Saturday, September 27, 2008

Che Guevara: Misunderstood Revolutionary, or Bad, Bad Man?

The Teenager had his first run up against the extreme liberals taking over our higher education system.

He sat in on a talk for extra credit in his Spanish class. The topic? Che Guevara. Our friend Che wasn’t really a bad man. He wasn’t really a Rebel, just a revolutionary. And bad, bad America took him out.

Funny, because when I read about Che Guevara, I see words like Extreme Leftist and Marxist Rebel Leader, Friend of Castro, Socialist, Communist and Guerrilla Warfare Leader.

I am glad The Teenager and I got a chance to talk about what he heard. I am quite sick of people vilifying America and rewriting history. Che Guevara was a murderer, anarchist, and an overall bad man.

I am glad The Teenager gets the opportunity to see some truly biased things at college while he is at home to assimilate what he is hearing with what he believes.

When he came home, he said that he didn’t know much about Che Guevara, but he was fairly sure the speaker was biased. Good boy.

I think we’re going to be doing a little bio sketch of Che this week and let the Teenager make up his own mind.

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